Tuesday, May 17, 2016

There are adepts outside of what is called speculative

Discovery Channel Documentary There are adepts outside of what is called speculative chemistry who have accomplished incredible things in these zones and there are chemists before Socrates and Aristotle, or Da Vinci and Newton; who every genuine master know were chemists. For any creator or columnist who might deliver a TV narrative on the subject and not meet a hermeticist (substantially less a chemist) it is evident their goal is not to teach. So when you see Time/Life recordings doing that sort of show I trust you know you are being nourished untruths. In February, 1925 Yeats kept in touch with this in Capri.

"The End of the Cycle

A Vision A

In the main release of A Vision the area 'Dove or Swan' contains a generally long section on the relationship of the gyres to the contemporary period and the not so distant future (AV A 210-215), which was discarded in the second version. It is given here for reference, with the page breaks demonstrated. The primary sentence given here (in italics) is the keep going on AV B 300, and the content proceeds from that point.

Having wounded their hands upon that farthest point men, interestingly since the seventeenth century, see the world as an object of consideration, not as something to be revamped, and approximately few, meeting the utmost in their exceptional concentrate, even uncertainty if there is any regular experience, that is to say question the likelihood of science.

It is said that at Phase 8 there is constantly affable war, and at Phase 22 dependably war, and as this war is dependably a thrashing for the individuals who have vanquished, we have rehashed the wars of Alexander.

I find as of now the principal stage - Phase 23- - of the last quarter in specific companions of mine, and in authors, writers and stone carvers appreciated by those companions, who have a type of solid love and detest up to this point obscure in expressions of the human experience. It is with them a matter of inner voice to live in their own particular accurate moment of time, and they safeguard their still, small voice like scholars. They are all caught up in some specialized exploration to the whole rejection of the individual dream. It is just as the structures in the stone or in their dream started to move with a vitality which is not that of the human personality. All the time these structures are mechanical, are figuratively speaking the numerical structures that manage the physical essential - I think about the work of Mr Wyndham Lewis, his effective "discord of sardine tins," and of those marble eggs, or protests of polished steel excessively drawn up or decreased out, making it impossible to be called eggs, of M. Brancussi [sic], who has gone more remote than Mr Wyndham Lewis from unmistakable topic thus from identity; of artists who might absolutely be rejected as tainted by a genuine sectary of this minute, the Scandinavian Milles, Mestrovi? maybe, experts of a geometrical example or musicality which appears to force itself completely from past the brain, the craftsman "remaining outside himself." I contrast them with figure or painting where now the craftsman now the model forces his identity. I think particularly about the craft of the 21st Phase which was on occasion so anarchic, Rodin making his intense workmanship out of the sections of those Gates of Hell that he had gotten himself not able to hold together- - pictures out of an individual dream, "the hellfire of Baudelaire not of Dante," he had said to Symons. I find at this 23rd Phase which is it is said the principal where there is contempt of the conceptual, where the brains turns upon itself, Mr Ezra Pound, Mr Eliot, Mr Joyce, Signor Pirandello, who either dispose of from allegory the writer's phantasy and substitute an abnormality found by authentic or contemporary examination or who separate the consistent procedures of thought by flooding them with related thoughts or words that appear to float into the psyche by chance; or who set one next to the other as in "Henry IV," "The Waste Land," "Ulysses," the physical essential - a neurotic among his managers, a man angling behind a gas works, the foulness of a solitary Dublin day delayed through 700 pages- - and the otherworldly essential, incoherence, the Fisher King, Ulysses' meandering. It is just as myth and actuality, joined until the weariness of the Renaissance, have fallen so far separated that man comprehends surprisingly the inflexibility of reality, and rings, by that very acknowledgment, myth- - the Mask- - which now however grabs out of the psyche's dim yet will right away seek after and panic. In reasonable life one expects the same specialized motivation, the doing of either not on account of one would, or ought to, but rather in light of the fact that one can, subsequent permit, and with those "out of stage" anarchic viciousness with no assent when all is said in done standards. In the event that there is a brutal transformation, and it is the last stage where political upset is conceivable, the dish will be produced using what is found in the storeroom and the cook won't open her book. There might be more noteworthy capacity that heretofore for men will be sans set from old restriction, however the old scholarly chain of command gone they will obstruct and jar each other. One tries to find the way of the 24th Phase which will offer peace- - maybe by some for the most part acknowledged political or religious activity, maybe by some more significant speculation - ringing before the psyche the individuals who talk its musings in the dialect of our prior time. Peguy in his Joan of Arc set of three shows the national and religious custom of the French poor, as he, a man maybe of the 24th stage, would have it, and Claudel in his "L'Otage" the religious and mainstream progressive systems saw as history. I predict a period when the dominant part of men will so acknowledge a verifiable convention that they will fight, not in the matter of who can force his identity upon others however in the matter of who can best typify the normal point, when all identity will appear a polluting influence - "wistfulness," "moroseness," "conceit"- - something that rebellions not ethics alone but rather great taste.

There will be no more incredible mind for an unending movement will be required of all; and where rights are gobbled up in obligations, and isolation is troublesome, creation with the exception of among avowedly archaistic and disliked gatherings will develop unthinkable. Stage 25 may emerge, as the code wears out from redundancy, to give new thought processes in compliance, or out of some exploratory disclosure which appears to differentiate, a simply chronicled passive consent, with an eager acknowledgment of the general will imagined as a present vitality - "Sibyll [sic] what might you?" "I would pass on." Then with the last gyre must come a longing to be ruled or rather, seeing that craving is everything except dead, a love of power otherworldly or physical, and society as mechanical power be finished finally.

Obliged, summoned, bewildered, twisted and unbent

By those wire-jointed jaws and appendages of wood

Themselves faithful,

Knowing not malevolent or great.

A debauchery will slip, by unending good change, upon a group which may appear like some lady of New York or Paris who has revoked her rouge pot to lose her figure and develop coars of skin and dull of mind, bolstering her calves and infants some place on the edge of the wild. The wantonness of the Greco-Roman world with its savage fighters and its mahogany dim youthful competitors was as incredible, yet that recommended the rises of life transformed into marbles, while what anticipates us, being popularity based and essential, may propose rises in a solidified lake - numerical Babylonian starlight.

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