Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Everyone was happy that I was living; yet as I lay there pondering

Discovery Channel Documentary "Everyone was happy that I was living; yet as I lay there pondering the awesome spot where I had been and all that I had seen, I was extremely dismal; for I couldn't help thinking that everyone should think about it, yet I was hesitant to tell, since I realized that no one would trust me. - John G. Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks."

Cherish profoundly and enthusiastically. You may get hurt however it's a decent approach to live totally. Bite the dust every day to truly live; and live beyond words no trepidation of learning or altering your opinion.

"All truth goes through three phases. To start with, it is derided, second it is viciously restricted, and third, it is acknowledged as undeniable." - Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

"Every one of us are conceived for a reason, yet every one of us don't find why. Achievement in life has nothing to do with what you pick up in life or fulfill for yourself. It's your main thing for others." - Danny Thomas

"The world dependably makes the presumption that the presentation of a blunder is indistinguishable with the revelation of reality - that mistake and truth are just inverse. They are nothing of the sort. What the world swings to, when it has been cured of one mistake, is typically basically another blunder, and possibly one more terrible than the first." - H.L. Mencken

"The issue is, obviously, that is financial matters bankrupt as well as it has dependably been simply governmental issues in mask ... financial aspects is a type of cerebrum harm." - Hazel Henderson.

"Instead of telling others that they ought to satisfy American Principles, we ought to satisfy them ourself." - Gary Hart, creator of The Fourth Power and previous Presidential applicant.

Einstein said: "Incredible spirits have dependably experienced vicious resistance from average personalities."

"The marvel of the fittingness of the dialect of science for the plan of the laws of material science is a superb blessing which we neither comprehend nor merit. We ought to be thankful for it and trust that it will stay substantial in future research and that it will stretch out, for better or for more terrible, to our pleasure, despite the fact that maybe additionally to our bewilderment, to wide branches of learning." - Eugene Wigner

"I think the subject which will be of most significance politically is Mass Psychology... Its significance has been colossally expanded by the development of advanced strategies for publicity. Despite the fact that this science will be tirelessly examined, it will be unbendingly restricted to the administering class. The masses won't be permitted to know how its feelings are produced." - Bertrand Russell

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been hoodwinked sufficiently long, we tend to dismiss any proof of the trick. We're no more keen on discovering reality. The trick has caught us. It is just excessively excruciating, making it impossible to recognize - even to ourselves - that we've been so guileless." - Carl Sagan


The marvelous and really eminent capability of our planet is a wonder to observe. We are suggesting exploratory familiarity with the universes past the known and there has all the earmarks of being options and "potential outcomes" aplenty. The Many Worlds of large scale universe still work by the same statutes or laws and rule that influence our planet. The microcosm of our own life gets to be immersed and occupied. It tries to balance out or constrain the truth we could imaginatively show. It is for the most part human self image and unreliability that devises these steady structures or pecking orders to keep the norm and different sorts of class structure as opposed to Brotherhood. In any case, when did this begin and will any history we may properly have, make the capacity to change the way individuals view themselves. What sort of future which could turn out to be genuine would we say we are going towards? I won't have the capacity to state absolutely the main way that these things have created. At various times and puts and even inside the world class there have been diverse plans. You will get the chance to see the Merovingian group of Jesus and the Stuart Royals of The Da Vinci Code are entirely genuine.

Aristotle alluded to satisfaction as the most we can accomplish.

It is anything but difficult to be glad without every one of the things we fixate on. The parity of our constituent selves and the likelihood of support in making an entire or in conjunction with that WHOLE will be difficult to beat for edification. In any case, the vast majority in the course of the last little blip of human presence have gotten tied up with frameworks that deny the entire or any feeling of ONENESS. We have seen a 5000 year "bad dream" as James Joyce admirably expressed. The completely astounding thing about this - it is those elites who have let us know they represent God or are Divine Kings who actually have utilized or driven us into this deep no man's land. We locate a comparative worldview exists in scientism which denies the recognizable results or impacts of the spirit and ESP.

Barthold Niebuhr (I think it was) said that bringing something again from the past or finding anything is a high that is much the same as the best innovativeness. It is so brilliant to learn and see the method for those we have stigmatized as brute or primitive as they skip in the delight of experience and unity with Nature as they supported each other.

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