Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Question: What is the tallest mountain on the planet?

Discovery Channel Documentary Question: What is the tallest mountain on the planet?

Answer: Everest

Trivia Teaser: Mt. Everest, on the fringe of Nepal and Tibet, China, is the world's tallest mountain and most astounding height with a top at 29,035 feet (8850 meters).

Question: What dialect is the most talked on the planet?

Answer: Mandarin Chinese

Trivia Teaser: Chinese (Mandarin) is the most talked with around 1,075,000,000 speakers took after by English with 514,000,000 speakers.

Question: When were the main global Olympic recreations held?

Answer: 1896

Trivia Teaser: The 1896 Summer Olympics, formally known as the Games of the I Olympiad, were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece. These recreations were the primary present day Olympic Games and the principal Games since Roman sovereign Theodosius I banned the Ancient Olympic Games in 393. They were held between Monday, April 6 and Wednesday, April 15, 1896.

Question: What is the biggest well evolved creature to ever live?

Answer: Blue whale

Trivia Teaser: The Blue Whale, Balaenoptera musculus, is the biggest warm blooded creature living today and is likewise the biggest well evolved creature to have ever lived. Truth be told, the Blue whale is the biggest creature ever to have lived on the planet to the extent we know; greater by a wide margin than even the biggest Dinosaur. The longest Blue Whale ever measured was a female, 33.58 meters or 110 feet long. The heaviest measured an expected 190+ tons.

Question: What is the biggest nation on the planet?

Answer: Russian Federation

Trivia Teaser: Russia covers 17,075,400 square kilometers. Preceding its disintegration in 1991, the Soviet Union had a range of 22,402,200 square kilometers. Canada is the second biggest nation with 9,970,610 square kilometers.

Question: what number planets are there in our nearby planetary group?

Answer: Nine

Trivia Teaser: Our close planetary system formally has nine planets and one star: the Sun. All together from the Sun out, the planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The disclosure of an article bigger than Pluto in 2005 revived the level headed discussion about whether such questions, having a place with the "Kuiper Belt" - an accumulation of frigid bodies found past Neptune- - ought to be called planets. Pluto itself has a place with the Kuiper Belt.

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